Outpost Journal Issue 01 : Pittsburgh, PA

Outpost Journal Issue 01 : Pittsburgh, PA
September 16, 2011
Outpost Journal Issue 01 : Pittsburgh, PA
Published in Providence, Outpost is an annual, non-profit print publication on innovative art, design and community action from cities that have been traditionally underexposed beyond their local contexts. Each beautifully produced and visually engaging issue of Outpost focuses on a single urban location and comes packaged with a limited edition print by an artist from the featured city. Outpost is a journey into the creative heart of a place, and via features like Secretly Famous (profiles of the most infamous artsy locals), guerrilla engagements with tourist attractions, historical explorations, mapping projects, and deep dives into artist collectives and organizations, Outpost exposes the myriad ways in which unique local communities arise through creative collaboration and production.
66 pages. Publication measures roughly 9" by 12". Includes a letterpress print by Mary Tremonte and printed by Pittsburgh's Third Termite Press and Symbological Call & Response, a booklet by Jesse Willenbring.